A Spider-Verse Guest Star Enters The World Of Loki In Marvel’s TVA #1

A Spider-Verse Guest Star Enters The World Of Loki In Marvel’s TVA #1

It’s no surprise that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a recursive effect on the stories published in Marvel Comics. The latest result of that synergy is the new Marvel comic mini-series “TVA.”

The TVA (the TV meaning “Time Variance,” not “Tennessee Valley”) is an extra-dimensional organization designed to keep the multitude of timelines in check. Now, the Time Variance Authority does have its earliest roots in Marvel Comics. (TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius was modeled on Marvel editor Mark Gruenwald, who was obsessed with continuity and kept every story written in the Marvel offices straight.)

However, the TVA shot to new prominence due to its role in the MCU. It was the primary setting of the two season Disney+ series “Loki,” where the God of Mischief (Tom Hiddleston) was drafted as a TVA agent. The Authority also played a major part in Marvel’s multiverse buddy comedy, “Deadpool & Wolverine.”

“TVA” is bringing the comic Time Variance Authority in line with the onscreen one. The comic is written by “Loki” writer Katharyn Blair (and drawn by Pere Pérez) and introduces several of the MCU-exclusive TVA characters. However, the comic will also have a guest star from the Spider-Verse: Spider-Gwen, aka Spider-Woman, aka the Gwen Stacy of Earth-65. (This Gwen is also played by Hailee Steinfeld in the animated “Spider-Verse” films.)

Marvel has now shared an exclusive preview of TVA #1 with /Film. The synopsis of the issue reads:

FOR ALL TIMES, ALWAYS! The Time Variance Authority has long watched over the timeline, protecting it from dangerous variations that could cause the end of EVERYTHING. Now, as the organization begins to expand its tolerance of variants, it’s enlisted some new recruits from timelines that have been wiped from existence: Captain Peggy Carter, Super-Soldier of her world; Gambit, despondent and aimless from the loss of his lady love; and … this can’t be right … Spider-Gwen?!? Has her world been destroyed?!? Writer Katharyn Blair (LOKI Season Two) and artist Pere Pérez (CARNAGE, SPIDER-WOMAN) bring a touch of cinematic flair to the bureaucracy at the end of time!

Check out the cover of issue #1 (drawn by Pepe Larraz) below, which reveals the three new recruits alongside the TVA originals from “Loki”: Sylvie, Hunter B-15, a Mobius styled after Owen Wilson, O.B., and Miss Minutes:

Spider-Gwen, meet Miss Minutes

The TVA in “Loki” and “Deadpool & Wolverine” has a retro TV aesthetic, and the interior recap page of “TVA” #1 mimics that. The page’s border is the orange border of the screen, the enclosed body of the page is colored like black static, and the lettering is analog green text.

The first illustrated page shows Spider-Gwen hanging upside down from a web and narrating, as Spider-People are wont to do. The wall behind Gwen has the orange letters “TVA” painted on it and, it turns out, there’s a reason Gwen is stuck in a pose.

Yes, Gwen is posing for an official TVA agent photo, taken by Miss Minutes. She mentions that she’s “hiding out” from her timeline and refers readers to her ongoing solo series, “Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider” by Stephanie Phillips (where Gwen has moved to Earth-616 with some help from the TVA).

Gwen then pulls over Mobius with a web, where Miss Minutes recounts the events of “Loki” (up to its season 2 finale, “Glorious Purpose”) and Mobius mentions his MIA “partner.” Then Hunter B-15 walks in, and Gwen takes their argument with Miss Minutes as a cue to skedaddle. Are the TVA characters meant to literally be the same variants that appeared on “Loki”? Based on Miss Minutes’ exposition dump, that appears to be the case, but we’ll need the full issue for the whole context.

“TVA” #1 will be available in print and from digital retailers on December 18, 2024.

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