X-Men #9 Launches A Rescue Mission – And Battles A New Breed Of Sentinel [Exclusive Preview]

X-Men #9 Launches A Rescue Mission – And Battles A New Breed Of Sentinel [Exclusive Preview]

Spoilers for “X-Men” to follow.

2024 was the first year of the relaunched “X-Men” comics line, “From The Ashes,” detailing the mutants’ fall back into minority status after losing their nation Krakoa.

The backbone series of “From The Ashes” are “X-Men” (primarily authored by writer Jed MacKay and artist Ryan Stegman) and “Uncanny X-Men” (written by Gail Simone and primarily drawn by David Marquez). In their latest issues, the two series are converging for the first crossover in “From The Ashes,” titled “Raid on Graymalkin.”

“X-Men” follows Cyclops and Magneto leading a mutant colony in Alaska, while “Uncanny X-Men” is set in Louisiana. The “Uncanny” team (Rogue, Gambit, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Jubilee) are mentoring young mutant runaways called “The Outliers.” It’s not only the Uncanny Outliers who are going back to school, because Graymalkin is a mutant prison made out of the former Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

Members of both teams have been captured (Beast for “X-Men,” Jubilee and the Outlier named Calico for “Uncanny”) and imprisoned, so both teams are attacking the prison. “Raid” kicked off in “X-Men” #8, and continued in “Uncanny X-Men” #7 when the two teams clashed in the middle of their simultaneous strikes

Part 3 (out of 4) is the forthcoming “X-Men” #9, which Marvel has shared an exclusive preview of with /Film. The issue’s synopsis reads as follows:

“Rogue and Cyclops come to blows as emotions come to a head, pitting the two groups of X-Men against one another in a place where their only chance for survival is to stand together. Xavier’s dream lies shattered — and broken edges always draw blood.”

See the cover of “X-Men” #9 (drawn by Stegman, featuring Psylocke drawing blades and about to duel Wolverine) below:

X-Men, meet the Wolfpack (of Sentinels)

When “Uncanny X-Men” #7 left off, the two teams had to pause their scuffle because Graymalkin sent in their A-Team. Namely, some conscripted mutant prisoners — the Blob, Wild Child, and Siryn, daughter of Banshee — and several dog-shaped Sentinels called “Bloodhounds.” The recap page of “X-Men” #9 catches the reader up:

The next page throws us square into the battle, with five bar-shaped, slanted close-up panels all showing different pieces of the action to convey a hectic scene. The top panel shows Cyclops on the left side of the frame, blasting a foe with his red optic beams. The panel shows Rogue, placed on the right side of the frame, punching one of the Bloodhounds. Cyclops and Rogue are fighting the same fight, but they’re still on opposite sides.

On the next page, Jubilee and Gambit trade some barbs with Temper (who in the previous issue was losing hers while fighting Wolverine). Juggernaut fights the Blob, while Wolverine (in a panel bathed in red) stabs Wild Child.

The next page goes back to Cyclops and Rogue battling the Bloodhounds, while the Outlier Deathdream — marveling at how Magik took down Siryn two pages prior — says he likes her style. Naturally, the team goths get along.

The preview ends here, but the battle — and “Raid on Graymalkin” — certainly do not.

“X-Men” #9 is scheduled for release on December 25, 2024.

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